
  大家好,感激各位加入我们2012年第三季度的电话会议。公司本季度净收入约达2.09亿人民币,同比增长30.4%。, 环比增长1.2个百分点, 同比增长2.1个百分点。

  Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us for the third quarter 2012 earnings call. Our net revenues grew 30.4% year-over-year to approximately RMB 209 million in the third quarter. Gross margin in the third quarter increased to 32.6%, up 120 basis points quarter-over-quarter and up 210 basis points year-over-year.

  刚停止的中共十八大指出了要进一步推进经济构造的战略性调整, 国度将更器重经济增长的质量, 政府的搀扶力度将向工业价值链高真个行业倾斜,这包含ChinaCache所在的互联网和信息技巧服务业. 另外, 据悉工信部已经初步的实现了民间资本进入电信业的整体计划和实行细则, 这象征着公司有望进一步的下降本钱.

  The 18th CPC National Congress, held earlier this month, reiterated the government’s objective of furthering China’s economic reform by placing a greater emphasis on the quality of economic growth. Legislators are implementing policies encouraging the development of what are considered high-value industries, including the Internet and IT services markets in which ChinaCache plays an important role. In addition, recent reports indicate that China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology completed the initial draft of detailed policies encouraging private sector investment in the telecommunications industry. This is an exciting development for ChinaCache as such a policy could potentially reduce our costs.

  ChinaCache的增长除了受来自国家政策的推动, 也受益于互联网行业的高速发展. 今年六月底,中国互联网用户数量已经达到5.38亿,并且这一数目还在稳步增添。随着的迅猛发展,移动互联网用户的增长更为迅速,网民从PC端向手机端的迁徙趋势也日渐凸显。同时,传统企业也越发意识到了互联网经济的重要性, 急切地想要树立和增强本身的互联网形象。依据艾瑞征询最新的统计的显示,2012年第三季度中国网络经济整体规模首次冲破了千亿大关,同比增长64.4%, 第三季度中国网络广告的范围达213.7亿元国民币,同比增长43.8%。在互联网特别是移动互联网的浪潮下,ChinaCache将不断的晋升我们的内容感知网络, 更好的服务各行各业的客户,并且以此为基点发展我们的增值业务。

  In conjunction with these favorable policy developments, ChinaCache is benefiting from the rapid growth of the Internet industry. China’s Internet population, which reached 538 million this June, continues to grow steadily, while the number of mobile Internet users is growing at an even faster pace. The increasing momentum of mobile Internet is clear evidence of the shift in content consumption habits from PCs to mobile Internet devices. Meanwhile, brick-and-mortar enterprises are becoming more aware of the growing importance of the Internet economy, and they are eager to establish or enhance their online presence. According to iResearch, the size of China’s online economy exceeded RMB 100 billion for the first time in the third quarter of 2012, an increase of 64.4% year-over-year, while the online advertising market grew 43.8% to RMB 21.37 billion. These compelling growth trends in the Internet and especially in mobile Internet will enable us to further leverage our Content-aware Network Services to better serve the needs of customers in a wide variety of industries and to expand our value-ad services.

  当然,家喻户晓,在宏观层面上,中国的经济目前正处于调剂期,整体经济势头有所放缓。在当前经济环境下, ChinaCache持续坚持着稳固的增长, 同时, 咱们也更加留神收入增长的质量, 将策略的目的瞄准“可连续”的市场和客户群。也就是说,我们会更多的把资源投入到高品质的有长期增加潜力的客户, 比方海内跟国际一流的企业客户, 而对签约一些危险高 , 增长潜力有限的潜在客户. 采用更加谨严的立场,尤其是在宏观经济环境绝对疲软的时代.

  Having said that, as you all know, China’s economy is going through a soft patch at a macro level. In spite of recent economic uncertainty, ChinaCache has continued to demonstrate stable growth. Our focus is not only on revenue expansion, but also on improved quality of revenue, therefore we have made a strategic decision to target the “sustainable market”. In other words, we will invest more resources to acquire and serve high-quality customers with long term potential, including leading enterprises both at home and abroad. At the same time, we plan to take a more selective approach in dealing with customers that present greater risk and limited growth potential, particularly during this period of macro-economic weakness.

  另外,为了应答将来的机遇和挑战, 更有效的实施公司的战略, 我们一直对公司内部的各方面进行优化. 针对市场的发展和演化, 我们把之前单一的销售团队, 进行了更专业化的划分, 并调整了销售职员鼓励政策. 除了有一支专门的队伍来继续服务于互联网公司, 为知足企业客户和移动互联网的飞速发展. 我们还特别划分了两支销售步队分辨服务于这两块市场. 此外, 我们也意识到了中小客户和政府也须要不同的销售模式, 为此也专门注入了力气. 这样的调整将保障公司以更加高效的方法, 来分离服务不同市场和客户.

  Furthermore, to capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead and to minimize the potential impact of challenges that may arise, we constantly improve our internal operations to enable more effective execution of our strategy. Based on our understanding of market trends, ChinaCache reorganized its sales team into groups focused on specific verticals and adjusted the incentive plan for our sales personnel. For Internet companies, the oldest users of our services, we will maintain a full team. We have dedicated two sales teams to serve customers in the enterprise and mobile Internet segments, where we see the most potential and fastest growth. We are also aware that government agencies and SMEs require different sales approaches, and have assembled a separate team to serve them. With the improved structure of our sales team, we believe we can serve our customers in different markets more effectively and efficiently.

  我们对企业客户的看重在Q3继续得到回报, 来自企业和电商的收入与上季度比拟增速加快, 再一次到达两位数,企业和电商客户的总数达到了438个。在三季度我们新签下的客户包括领先的国际连锁酒店团体、国际一流的租车公司、著名的电子产品制作商, 多少家巨头和支付平台、国内领先的教导培训机构、国内外著名的航空公司比如()和法国航空、以及有名的品牌公司诸如卡地亚, 爱马仕。这些成就都是对ChinaCache品牌的认可,也是各行各业客户对ChinaCache当先的解决方案能带来的价值的确定。

  We realized continued benefit from our strong focus on enterprise customers this quarter, with the enterprise and e-commerce vertical achieving double-digit sequential growth, and customer count increasing to 438. During the third quarter, contract awards included one of the most established international hotel chains, one of the world’s leading car rental companies, a pre-eminent consumer electronics manufacturer, several of China’s e-commerce giants, a tier-one online payment platform in China, airline companies Hainan Airlines and Air France, as well as global brands such as Cartier and Hermes. These achievements are a clear validation of ChinaCache’s brand and proof that leading enterprises across industries are recognizing the value of our cutting-edge solutions.

  企业客户的发展也给我们拓展增值业务提供了辽阔的空间, 我们的各个业务单元正在踊跃预备推出一系列面向企业的增值产品和解决方案. 我们的内容感知网络服务进一步受到了政府、运营商以及各类企业的认可,在此基本上CCIndex提供的数据信息在业界备受关注, 被中外媒体屡次转载。CCindex已经在为政府提供决议根据, 为运营商提供有价值的参考数据,未来还会向贸易客户提供行业的讲演以及数据的分析。ChinaCache的云业务在第三季度也进一步走向成熟, 联合我们的CDN业务, 为我们来自于航运、教育、奢靡品、花费品、互联网、游戏和媒体等行业的客户提供一站式解决方案。凭借ChinaCache对客户业务和其所在行业的深入懂得, 以及我们的内容感知网络服务,我们在增值领域将有很大的发展。

  With the rapid growth of brick-and-mortar companies doing business online, we have great opportunities to expand our value-added services. In order to capture this growth, our business units are preparing to launch a series of value-added products and solutions tailored to enterprise customers across a variety of industries. Our Content-aware Network Services are well recognized among government agencies, carriers and enterprise customers. CCIndex, one of our critical value-added products based on Content-aware Network Services, has attracted a great deal of attention in the data mining and analytics space, with CCIndex data cited by a number of domestic and international media outlets. Statistics from CCIndex serve as a valuable reference for government policymakers and key decision-makers at telecom carriers. In addition, we plan to further leverage its value through the creation of industry reports and commercial data analysis services. In the third quarter, we continued to develop and improve our cloud service offering, which together with our CDN service, creates a one-stop solution for customers we serve in industries such as aviation, shipping, education, luxury and consumer goods, gaming and media. ChinaCache has an in-depth understanding of different industries, and the businesses of our customers. This level of insight, combined with the capabilities of our Content-aware Network Services, gives us great confidence in the potential of our value-added services.

  在移动互联网方面, 我们同样看到了强劲的市场需求, 并且这一需求还在扩展。ChinaCache将会继承的加大投入掌握住这一增长的机遇。今年9月ChinaCache在硅谷举行了2012年中美挪动互联网策略论坛, 汇聚了中美移动互联网领域的优良创业团队和行业巨头, 探讨该范畴的机会和挑衅。跟着智能手机和功效手机的迅猛发展,移动应用越发风行,应用商店和平台也敏捷成长起来。在三季度我们开始为中文安卓第一门户机锋网服务, 为其天天多达750万次的利用程序供给加速解决方案。本季度我们还推出了面向移动运用程序开发者的解决方案, 辅助他们更疾速的展现内容和互动, 跟踪和剖析用户数据, 更智能的治理存储空间。此外,我们也继续见证着我们的老客户的迅猛发展。例如前不久, 在ChinaCache技术的支撑下, 小米通过其官方网站, 在短短的四分钟之内, 卖出了25万台小米手机.

  In the mobile Internet space, market demand is strong and continues to grow, and we are investing in our mobile capabilities to capture this growth. In September, ChinaCache held its 2012 US-China Mobile Internet Forum in the Silicon Valley, providing a platform for promising start-ups and established companies from China and the US to discuss opportunities and challenges in the mobile segment. With the rapid growth of smartphones and feature phones, apps are becoming increasingly popular, which has led to the establishment of app stores and platforms. In the third quarter, we signed a contract with gfan.com, the largest Android application platform in China, through which our acceleration solutions enable as many as 7.5 million mobile app downloads on gfan.com each day. In addition, we have begun serving more app developers this quarter, and we recently launched a new solution specifically for this segment of the market. With this new solution, developers can display their contents and interact with end-users more quickly and efficiently, track and analyze user data and manage storage more intelligently. At the same time, we continue to witness rapid growth among our existing customers. For example, a couple of days ago, Xiaomi achieved online sales of as many as 250,000 Xiaomi smartphones in only 4 minutes, with the help of ChinaCache’s technology.

  在三季度, 我们在国际化的途径上又迈出主要的一步. 9月份, ChinaCache的香港子公司正式开端经营, 以更好的服务于东南亚市场. 三季度, 我们在东南亚地域的CDN流量增长明显, 有的地区甚至翻倍, 特殊是在台湾和马来西亚。亚洲以外, 我们前未几与Interxion配合在欧洲增设了节点, 以满意本国企业走向中国的需要。在国外市场和客户越发活泼的同时,应用我们海外服务的中国客户的CDN流量也有十分快的增长,好比像优酷, 搜狐等国内著名的视频公司.

  In the third quarter, we achieved another milestone in international expansion. In September, ChinaCache’s Hong Kong subsidiary started its operations to better serve the market in Southeast Asia. During the quarter, CDN traffic in this region saw a notable increase gucci皮帶, even doubling in areas such as Taiwan and Malaysia. Outside of Asia, we established another node in Europe at Interxion’s data center to better serve foreign companies looking to enter the China market. While foreign activity was an important catalyst in the quarter, CDN traffic also enjoyed rapid growth from Chinese customers, such as leading video companies like Youku and Sohu video, who are leveraging our solutions to support overseas business activities.

  第三季度, 公司进一步拓展了国内外市场, 进步内部运营的才能. 北京总部也行将迁往8000平方米的新址, 为公司业务的进一步的扩大做好了筹备. 公司的顺利发展让我们对公司的远景充斥了信念。

  In the quarter, we have made progress both externally and internally, expanding our footprint in the domestic and international markets, while continuing to improve our operational capabilities. We will soon move our headquarters to a new, 8,000 square meter location. The move is being made in preparation for future business expansion. With all these efforts, we are confident and excited about our long-term growth prospects.

  在Jackie给大家先容概况之前,我先把电话转给我们的CTO Ken.

  Before Jackie talks about our financial results, I will first turn the call over to our CTO Ken.



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